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  • Online Institute for
    Educational Leaders
    Best Practices Related to Multilingual
    Students with Exceptional Needs
  • Interactive
    Tools to Inform Best Practices
  • On-Demand
    Build individual &/or collective expertise on
    topics related to multilingual students with
    exceptional needs via our Canvas modules

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"California educators share the belief that English learners with disabilities, like all students, are able to attain these content standards and that they will need specialized support to do so."

- California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities - Chapter 7 Pg. 315

Capacity Building, Connecting, and Facilitating Multidisciplinary Team Decisions Through a Tiered Approach

Level 1 Supports

Level 1 Supports
  • Professional development (PD)
  • Technical assistance (TA), and resources, as provided
    statewide to practitioners via in-person
  • Virtual & on-demand via a web-based portal
    • The web-based portal includes scope & sequence for various practitioner types (i.e.
      Education Specialists, EL Specialists, Administrators, Assessors, etc.), whereby digital badging, course-based reflections and TA can be received.

Level 2 Supports

Level 2 Supports
  • In addition to Level 1 support, practitioners statewide can request:
    • Customized PD, TA, & resources, as provided to LEA multidisciplinary teams (MDT) in multiple formats, to include access to training materials & resources.
  • In addition, MDTs/communities of practice (CoP) receiving Level 2 support, also receive:
    • Targeted support to assist with data analysis.
    • Assistance with identification of problems of practice.
    • Specially designed PD & corresponding resources related to problems of practice.

Level 3 Supports

Level 3 Supports
  • In addition to Level 1 & Level 2 supports, LEA practitioners statewide may request customized PD, TA & resources, as provided to MDTs with access to training materials & resources.
  • Multi-disciplinary CoPs in Level 3, receive Level 2 targeted support, to assist with data analysis, identification of problems of practice & specially designed PD to address these needs.
  • Level 3 participants receive consultative support & coaching in plan development related to DA, & CIM, &/or Dispro/Significant Disproportionality data related to LEA systemic issues related to services for ELs & ELs with disabilities.
In the state of California there are

836,846 students with exceptional needs ages 0 to 22.

Over the last 13 years, total enrollment for students with disabilities has steadily increased whereas general education enrollment numbers have recently declined.


Of the 799,980 students in California's K-12 student population, 14% have an IEP


14% of socio-economically disadvantaged students have an IEP


30% of foster youth have an IEP

Who are Dually Identified Students?

Dual identification refers to students who are identified as English learners (multilingual learners) and meet eligibility for Special Education under one or more of the 13 distinct disabilities identified by IDEA.

English Learners

Students of a national-origin-minority who are limited in English language proficiency (United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2016). The acronym ELL or ELLs, is used to refer to students whose home/native language is any language other than English, and who are in the process of learning academic English (CDE, 2015).

Students with a Disability

A student who has been formally identified as having a disability in one or more of the 13 disability categories as indicated in IDEA. A SWD is a student whose disability adversely affects their learning, such that special education services and/or related services are required and necessary for the child to make educational progress (IDEA, 2004).


ELs Who Are Long-Term English Learners


Long-term English Learners without Disabilities


Long-term English Learners with Disabilities

Top 6 Qualifying Categories for

Students Who Are English Learners (EL)

Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Other Health Impairment
Hearing Impairment


Multilingual learners are present across the education system and in all of our work.

~ 1 in 4 socioeconomically disadvantaged students are also English learners

~ 6 in 10 children ages 0 to 5 are dual language learners

~ 1 in 4 students with disabilities are also English learners

Recent News

Project MuSE traveled to Sacramento to present their project and share on existing partnerships within the statewide system of support. They presented to the Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) on June 12, 2024. The ACSE provides recommendations and advice to the State Board of Education, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Legislature, and the Governor in new or continuing areas of research, program development, and evaluation in California special education.

Click here to view on YouTube

Our Special Education Resource Lead Partners

System Improvement Leads

System Improvement Leads

Inspire - Connect - Innovate
High Quality IEPs

High Quality IEPs

Working Together for Student Success
Inclusive Practices

Inclusive Practices

Students with the Most Significant Needs
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CCEE Statewide System of Support Searchable Directory

This directory provides contact information for educational partners at the state, regional, county, and local LEA levels for statewide initiatives as well as provides hyperlinks to individual initiative websites for further information and resources.

CCEE Statewide System of Support Resource Hub

Within the hub, COEs, LEAs, charter schools, SELPAs, & educational partners, can find information about state-funded initiatives & resources to employ best practices, facilitate improvement plans, & improve student outcomes.