Capacity Building, Connecting, and Facilitating Multidisciplinary Team Decisions Through a Tiered Approach
Level 1 Supports

- Professional development (PD)
- Technical assistance (TA), and resources, as provided
statewide to practitioners via in-person - Virtual & on-demand via a web-based portal
- The web-based portal includes scope & sequence for various practitioner types (i.e.
Education Specialists, EL Specialists, Administrators, Assessors, etc.), whereby digital badging, course-based reflections and TA can be received.
- The web-based portal includes scope & sequence for various practitioner types (i.e.
Level 2 Supports

- In addition to Level 1 support, practitioners statewide can request:
- Customized PD, TA, & resources, as provided to LEA multidisciplinary teams (MDT) in multiple formats, to include access to training materials & resources.
- In addition, MDTs/communities of practice (CoP) receiving Level 2 support, also receive:
- Targeted support to assist with data analysis.
- Assistance with identification of problems of practice.
- Specially designed PD & corresponding resources related to problems of practice.
Level 3 Supports

- In addition to Level 1 & Level 2 supports, LEA practitioners statewide may request customized PD, TA & resources, as provided to MDTs with access to training materials & resources.
- Multi-disciplinary CoPs in Level 3, receive Level 2 targeted support, to assist with data analysis, identification of problems of practice & specially designed PD to address these needs.
- Level 3 participants receive consultative support & coaching in plan development related to DA, & CIM, &/or Dispro/Significant Disproportionality data related to LEA systemic issues related to services for ELs & ELs with disabilities.

~ 1 in 4 socioeconomically disadvantaged students are also English learners

~ 6 in 10 children ages 0 to 5 are dual language learners

~ 1 in 4 students with disabilities are also English learners