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CAASPP/ELPAC Accessibility Resources

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System provides a full range of assessment supports for all students, including those who are English learners and students with disabilities. These supports ensure that the assessments meet the needs of all students. 

Date: 9/11/2020

Importance of Implementing CAASPP and ELPAC Accessibility Resources: Voices from Educators

Understanding what students know and can do is essential to making good decisions about student learning, which is why California State Assessments offer accessibility resources ensuring all students have equal access to assessment. This video focuses on our conversations with California educators to learn more about the importance of implementing accessibility resources for assessments.

Date: 12/16/2024

ISAAP Tool Tutorial

This video provides an overview of the ISAAP Tool Model 2024.

CAASPP Accessibility Resources Demo Videos
SBAC: Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines
Alternate Assessment Decision-Making Tool for California
California Assessment Accessibility Matrix

The California Department of Education's Assessment Accessibility Resource Matrix displays the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (embedded and non-embedded) allowed as a part of the CAASPP System.

Universal tools are available to all students on the basis of student preference and selection (not shown in these tables).

Designated supports (DS) are available to all students when determined for use by an educator or team of educators (with parent/guardian and student input, as appropriate) or specified in the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan (not shown in these tables).

Accommodations (ACC) must be permitted on CAASPP tests to all eligible students if specified in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan. These tables only include students that had an IEP and received a valid score on the assessment.


CAASPP Student Needs Matching Tool