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Recorded Modules

Training Modules for

A Systems Approach and the Multi-disciplinary Team

Date: 5/28/2024

An Equity & Systems Improvement Approach for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs

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Training Modules for

A Tiered Approach to Accessibility

Date: 11/9/2023

Laying the Foundation: MTSS, UDL, the SST Process & Why the Sequence Matters

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Date: 1/23/2024

Is Inclusion Accessibility, or is Accessibility Inclusion?

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Date: 3/5/2024

Open Access: An Introduction to AT and AAC

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Date: 5/10/2024

The Team Lift: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Accessible and Equitable IEPs

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Building Your Toolkit:

Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students

Date: 12/6/2023

Resources: Tiers of Instruction & Intervention Jamboard & Infographics

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Date: 2/28/2024

Resources: Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate SPED Assessment

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Date: 3/27/2024

Linguistically Appropriate Goals & Objectives Jamboard

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Date: 4/10/2024

Resource: Systems Improvement - Equity & Access for Dually Identified Students

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Date: 5/8/2024

Resources: Reclassification Workbook - Exploring the Three Pathways to Meeting Criteria 1

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Training Modules for

Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity: A Focus on Students with Extensive Support Needs Panel Series

Date: 5/13/2024

Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity Series - Session 1

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Date: 5/29/2024

Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity Series - Session 2

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Date: 6/10/2024

Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity Series - Session 3

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Training Modules for

CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities: Overview of Sections 1 - 5

Date: 9/26/2022

Identification of English Learners, MTSS, and Pre-Referral Interventions - Section 1 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 10/6/2021

Identification of English Learners, MTSS, and Pre-Referral Interventions - Section 1 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 4/28/2023

Best Practices for Assessing English Learners

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Date: 2/18/2022

Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes - Section 2 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 1/26/2023

Educational Programs and Instructional Strategies - Section 3 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 10/25/2022

Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes - Section 2 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 3/9/2022

Educational Programs and Instructional Strategies - Section 3 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 3/9/2023

Section 4 - Proposing Exit from Special Education Services & Section 5 - Reclassification from English Learner Status

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Date: 4/6/2022

Proposing Exit from Special Education Services - Section 4 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 5/24/2022

Reclassification from English Learner Status - Section 5 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Training Modules for

Section 1: Identification of English Learners, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Pre-Referral Interventions

Date: 9/26/2022

Identification of English Learners, MTSS, and Pre-Referral Interventions - Section 1 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 10/6/2021

Identification of English Learners, MTSS, and Pre-Referral Interventions - Section 1 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 11/30/2021

Meeting the Needs of English Learners with Moderate & Severe Disabilities

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Date: 9/30/2021

State SELPA Alternate ELPAC Updates

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Date: 9/22/2020

Universal Design for Learning for English Learners with Disabilities; Making Remote Learning Accessible

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Training Modules for

Section 2: Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes

Date: 6/8/2024

Ensuring Equitable Special Education Referrals for Multilingual Learners: Student Support Team

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Date: 4/28/2023

Best Practices for Assessing English Learners

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Date: 10/25/2022

Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes - Section 2 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 12/5/2022

English Learner Initial Referral to Special Education and Decision-Making Process

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Date: 2/18/2022

Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes - Section 2 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 9/24/2021

Follow-up: Evaluation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: A nondiscriminatory assessment framework for all practitioners - Q&A Session

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Date: 9/16/2021

Evaluation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: A nondiscriminatory assessment framework for all practitioners

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Date: 3/2/2020

Improving Outcomes for English Learners: Pre-referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes for English Learners who May be eligible for Special Education

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Date: 12/7/2022

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix (C-LIM)

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Training Modules for

Section 3: Education Programs and Instructional Strategies

Date: 1/26/2023

Educational Programs and Instructional Strategies - Section 3 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 3/9/2022

Educational Programs and Instructional Strategies - Section 3 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Date: 3/28/2022

Writing Linguistically Appropriate Goals and Objectives for ELs with Disabilities

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Date: 9/22/2020

Universal Design for Learning for English Learners with Disabilities; Making Remote Learning Accessible

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Date: 11/14/2019

Enhancing Instruction with CAASPP Use of Accessibility Tools in the Classroom

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Date: 9/19/2019

Literacy Development & Students with Disabilities who are English Learners (SWD-ELs)

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Date: 3/27/202

Addressing Equity to Improve Outcomes for English Learners and ELs with Disabilities

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Training Modules for

Section 4: Proposing Exit from Special Education Services

Date: 3/9/2023

Section 4 - Proposing Exit from Special Education Services & Section 5 - Reclassification from English Learner Status

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Date: 4/6/2022

Proposing Exit from Special Education Services - Section 4 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Section 5: Reclassification from English Learner Status

Date: 3/9/2023

Section 4 - Proposing Exit from Special Education Services & Section 5 - Reclassification from English Learner Status

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Date: 5/24/2022

Reclassification from English Learner Status - Section 5 of the Practitioners' Guide

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Training Modules for

Distance Learning

Date: 5/4/2020

Imperial County SELPA LEAD: CCEE & CDE Distance Learning Module session: Distance Learning and EL Students with Disabilities

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Training Modules for

CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities: General Overview

Date: 02/10/2021

An Introduction to the CDE California Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities

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Date: 5/18/2020

An Introduction to the CA Practitioners Guides- A Focus on Chapters 1 & 3

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Date: 12/11/2019

An Introduction to the California Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities

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Date: 11/19/2019

Meeting the Needs of English Learners & English Learners with Disabilities

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Training Modules for

Working Effectively with English Learners: A Focus on Understanding Dyslexia and Pre-referral Interventions: Dr. Karina Quezada 3 – Day Series

Date: 9/15/2022

Day 1 – Understanding dyslexia and its manifestation in the classroom

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Date: 10/6/2022

Day 2 – Participants will explore the pre-referral process and effective interventions for students learning English who are struggling with reading

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Date: 11/3/2022

Day 3 - Participants will develop an understanding of the linguistically appropriate assessment process for students suspected of having dyslexia

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